Biking in the Sintra mountains and along the coast of Portugal. Beautiful scenery and fun with friends!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Recuerdos de Espana,
Hola, okay I admit I had to use my Spanish dictionary for the above words, which mean Greetings from Spain!   Those of you who know Spanish must get a good laugh over my limited vocabulary--it will be a miracle if I ever learn to really communicate in Spanish!

Dave and I have Spanish lessons tomorrow and I can't say we really look forward to going---it is very difficult and somewhat overwhelming!  Then I think of our children who have to spend all day communicating  mostly in Spanish!  They are quite brave--I guess they don't have a choice but they are still handling it amazingly well.  The kids have all been pulled out of their English classes and are receiving one on one tutoring in Spanish ---to help them along. 

A difference here in Spain: 
Before we came to Spain we were told that Spaniards love to smoke, but we did not really understand that statement until now.  We feel like we have traveled back in time to the 1960's, in regards to smoking.  It is amazing how many people smoke here and that there are few places where smoking is prohibited.  Smoking is really a way of life here, so if you are a smoker you would love it here in Spain.  All ages smoke--young teens to the elderly.  I wonder what the cancer rates and health problems are as a result of so much smoking?  The beach near our home is littered with cigarette buds, not as much now that the vacationers have gone but still it is quite noticeable.  At a birthday party for one of Joshua's classmates I was one of the few parents not smoking.  Joshua even mentioned to me that the tent was so smokey!  Coffee, vino, and smoking, are the Spaniard way.  I think that is why most Spaniards are thin, because they smoke!  Anyways, nothing against those who smoke--- it is  much more accepted and normal here in Spain as opposed to the U.S. 

We did not make it to Granada on Saturday as we had hoped because once again the tickets were sold out.  So instead of Granada we drove to the town of Benalmadena which is about 30 minutes away. We took a gondola ride up the mountain.  Dave did not enjoy this much but the boys and I did. Dave is not fond of heights and the trip was indeed very high..  Once you were at the top there was a steep path for hiking even higher up--- where the views were incredible.  There was also a little restaurant as well as a bird habitat site.  We were able to see huge falcons, vultures, and a bald eagle.  The facility is used for training falcons and as a recovery site for injured birds.  Lynsey missed out on this trip but she did not mind as she is like her father when it comes to heights. Instead she attended a big youth gathering at the church.  There were over 200 youth from the Andalucia area who attended the event.  The youth hung out, attended a praise and worship concert, and listened to a message.  Lynsey's friend translated the message for her since it was in Spanish. She came home happy so I think she had a great day.

Well Ethan finally had to wear the swimsuit!  Ethan and Joshua are swimming several times a week with the triathlon club team.  Ethan's suit is not as bad as we thought---- we ended up buying a bigger size.  Josh actually likes his suit because he says it is easier to swim fast in.  Both boys have never swam seriously so this is something really different for them.  They seem to be liking it--we will see how long it lasts. 
Ethan's big adjustment right now is not being able to watch American sports---particularly the colts!  He is having major withdraws and is missing ESPN and all his sports channels back home.  We may look into how we can get those channels here.  We think it is possible but quite expensive, so we will see.

Dave was not too busy at church this past week.  He is learning how things work in this culture and getting to know the elders better.  The church is in the process of choosing a new pastor so things have been slower than usual.  This is a big prayer request here in the church--to find the right pastor. 

I put some pictures up of some areas of the beach which are not so nice.  I don't want you think everywhere here in Spain is beautiful, although most places are!.  The sand on the beach near our home is quite ugly--kind of a dirty color and feel.
It is amazing how your eye does get use to it---although it could never compare to the sand on the beaches in Florida or Michigan.

Even though we are enjoying our experience here we do miss all of you back home.  And even though it is so pretty here I still think Indiana is beautiful with all the green grass and  big trees. ( Lol Jill B. if you are reading this) Knowing this is only for a year does make it so much easier and more fun.  We are really looking forward to visitors though. Our kids are constantly asking when someone is coming to visit and we have only been here for about 5-6 weeks!  If you are planning a trip here let us know some tentative dates, that will make our kids happy and maybe they will stop bugging me. 
Until next time,

Love to you all,

Karen, Dave and Kids

Don't forget to scroll all the way down for more photos!


Janet said...

Looks like an awesome place. Do they need any American lawyers? J.Hocker.

Suz said...

Thanks for filling us in on your lives in Spain! So good to see you all and hear about life there. Praying!