Recuerdos de Espana,
Hola, okay I admit I had to use my Spanish dictionary for the above words, which mean Greetings from Spain! Those of you who know Spanish must get a good laugh over my limited vocabulary--it will be a miracle if I ever learn to really communicate in Spanish!
Dave and I have Spanish lessons tomorrow and I can't say we really look forward to going---it is very difficult and somewhat overwhelming! Then I think of our children who have to spend all day communicating mostly in Spanish! They are quite brave--I guess they don't have a choice but they are still handling it amazingly well. The kids have all been pulled out of their English classes and are receiving one on one tutoring in Spanish ---to help them along.
A difference here in Spain:
Before we came to Spain we were told that Spaniards love to smoke, but we did not really understand that statement until now. We feel like we have traveled back in time to the 1960's, in regards to smoking. It is amazing how many people smoke here and that there are few places where smoking is prohibited. Smoking is really a way of life here, so if you are a smoker you would love it here in Spain. All ages smoke--young teens to the elderly. I wonder what the cancer rates and health problems are as a result of so much smoking? The beach near our home is littered with cigarette buds, not as much now that the vacationers have gone but still it is quite noticeable. At a birthday party for one of Joshua's classmates I was one of the few parents not smoking. Joshua even mentioned to me that the tent was so smokey! Coffee, vino, and smoking, are the Spaniard way. I think that is why most Spaniards are thin, because they smoke! Anyways, nothing against those who smoke--- it is much more accepted and normal here in Spain as opposed to the U.S.
We did not make it to Granada on Saturday as we had hoped because once again the tickets were sold out. So instead of Granada we drove to the town of Benalmadena which is about 30 minutes away. We took a gondola ride up the mountain. Dave did not enjoy this much but the boys and I did. Dave is not fond of heights and the trip was indeed very high.. Once you were at the top there was a steep path for hiking even higher up--- where the views were incredible. There was also a little restaurant as well as a bird habitat site. We were able to see huge falcons, vultures, and a bald eagle. The facility is used for training falcons and as a recovery site for injured birds. Lynsey missed out on this trip but she did not mind as she is like her father when it comes to heights. Instead she attended a big youth gathering at the church. There were over 200 youth from the Andalucia area who attended the event. The youth hung out, attended a praise and worship concert, and listened to a message. Lynsey's friend translated the message for her since it was in Spanish. She came home happy so I think she had a great day.
Well Ethan finally had to wear the swimsuit! Ethan and Joshua are swimming several times a week with the triathlon club team. Ethan's suit is not as bad as we thought---- we ended up buying a bigger size. Josh actually likes his suit because he says it is easier to swim fast in. Both boys have never swam seriously so this is something really different for them. They seem to be liking it--we will see how long it lasts.
Ethan's big adjustment right now is not being able to watch American sports---particularly the colts! He is having major withdraws and is missing ESPN and all his sports channels back home. We may look into how we can get those channels here. We think it is possible but quite expensive, so we will see.
Dave was not too busy at church this past week. He is learning how things work in this culture and getting to know the elders better. The church is in the process of choosing a new pastor so things have been slower than usual. This is a big prayer request here in the church--to find the right pastor.
I put some pictures up of some areas of the beach which are not so nice. I don't want you think everywhere here in Spain is beautiful, although most places are!. The sand on the beach near our home is quite ugly--kind of a dirty color and feel.
It is amazing how your eye does get use to it---although it could never compare to the sand on the beaches in Florida or Michigan.
Even though we are enjoying our experience here we do miss all of you back home. And even though it is so pretty here I still think Indiana is beautiful with all the green grass and big trees. ( Lol Jill B. if you are reading this) Knowing this is only for a year does make it so much easier and more fun. We are really looking forward to visitors though. Our kids are constantly asking when someone is coming to visit and we have only been here for about 5-6 weeks! If you are planning a trip here let us know some tentative dates, that will make our kids happy and maybe they will stop bugging me.
Until next time,
Love to you all,
Karen, Dave and Kids
Don't forget to scroll all the way down for more photos!
Biking in the Sintra mountains and along the coast of Portugal. Beautiful scenery and fun with friends!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Buenas tardes amigos y familia en estados unidos,
We pray that you are all well and good back in the estados unidos.
It has been good to hear from many of you. It is nice to feel connected to Indiana and your lives back home. If you post a comment on the blog please check back later because sometimes I may post a comment back to you. This is the only way I know how to comment besides direct email which I am doing from time to time. Also, once I post a new blog and change the photos they are off the blog. They do not seem to archive like the writing post. Wish I were more computer literate! If anyone knows how to save the photos let me know.
I thought I would include in each post one thing that the Spaniards do differently than us Americans. It is not bad or good, just different!
Driving in Spain:
I finally understand how to enter onto the autovia (highway) but only after almost being ran over, closely tailed and then honked at! All on more than one occasion! Dave has encountered this nice experience as well. When you try to merge onto the autovia the oncoming cars will not move over so that you can safely enter. The merging lanes are very short and narrow so if you can't merge you have to almost stop and then it is hard to get your speed up to safely merge. I could not understand why people would not let me in, until I finally asked a Spanish friend who informed me how it works.
On the plus side---once you safely get onto the autovia beautiful views of the sea and mountains await you. Lots of hills and curvy roads as well. Dave and I really love driving here! Of course I had to buy an automatic because there was no way I could mange a stick on these hills. It was not easy finding an automatic--we only had 2 choices.
I will post another difference next time.... there are plenty to keep me writing!
Well all the kids are now in school! Dave and I are enjoying are time alone! We start Spanish classes tomorrow, which I am looking forward to but it is also intimidating. We are taking separate classes because we learn differently and we are too competitive together!
Ethan seems much happier since he has started school and is involved in basketball. His team is really good so we hope he gets some playing time, he will definitely get good experience. He will start futbol (soccer) in October. Still don't know how that swimsuit is going to work out because he won't try it on. I think he has swimming this week, so it should be interesting! They are mostly reviewing at school so he hasn't really had a lot of work yet. Keep praying for him because the prayers are being felt!
Lynsey is doing good and started basketball as well. She is the only girl on her team, at least right now. She does not seem to mind and it will definitely challenge her skills! Pray for her as well, she is missing her friends.
Josh is doing great and seems to keep coming out of his shell, so to speak. He is becoming quite the show boat and entertainer. His and all our kids biggest complaint is the school food. They do have different food but we love that they are trying new things.
Alec is Doing well. He had one rough day last week with a few tears in Spanish class but he has since recovered and says school is easy. We will see when those grades come out--it is never quite as they say!
The uniforms seem to be okay with all the kids now-I am the one keeping busy washing them.
I am learning that each day is unpredictable here, with no one happy at the same time! When one family member is happy or doing well another is not, and so and so on...I am sure many of you can relate. But no matter what kind of day occurs I am reminded that it is a day to rejoice, because it is a day the Lord has given us. And sometimes I can't rejoice until all those heads are fast asleep on their pillows!
This past weekend we did not make it to Granada as planned. I did not realize I had to get tickets online well in advance. So we took a short 20 minute trip to the town of Nerja. I just love this town, it is heaven on earth! The shops,sea views, food, beach, and people are all wonderful. We visited the caves of Nerja which are quite impressive. The caves were discovered by a group of boys in 1959, they are massive inside with huge stalactites and stalagmites. They are definitely worth seeing if you come to visit us. The boys had fun shopping in Nerja because they found Barcelona jerseys, and they were much cheaper than at home.
Dave is working late tonight at the church. We are amazed how God has placed us here and Dave is able to use his business skills to help the church. There are many wonderful people at the church and they have made us feel very welcome. This past Sunday I understood the main idea of the pastors message but not all the details. I guess that is a start and it can only get better! Even though the music is good I really do miss praise and worship in English. I don't know that this will ever change.
It is late as I finish writing this even though your evening is just beginning. Need to get to bed, the sun will be coming up in no time.
Until next time,
Hope you enjoy the photos and don't forget to scroll all the way down for more!
Many blessings to you all!
Karen, Dave and Kids!
We pray that you are all well and good back in the estados unidos.
It has been good to hear from many of you. It is nice to feel connected to Indiana and your lives back home. If you post a comment on the blog please check back later because sometimes I may post a comment back to you. This is the only way I know how to comment besides direct email which I am doing from time to time. Also, once I post a new blog and change the photos they are off the blog. They do not seem to archive like the writing post. Wish I were more computer literate! If anyone knows how to save the photos let me know.
I thought I would include in each post one thing that the Spaniards do differently than us Americans. It is not bad or good, just different!
Driving in Spain:
I finally understand how to enter onto the autovia (highway) but only after almost being ran over, closely tailed and then honked at! All on more than one occasion! Dave has encountered this nice experience as well. When you try to merge onto the autovia the oncoming cars will not move over so that you can safely enter. The merging lanes are very short and narrow so if you can't merge you have to almost stop and then it is hard to get your speed up to safely merge. I could not understand why people would not let me in, until I finally asked a Spanish friend who informed me how it works.
On the plus side---once you safely get onto the autovia beautiful views of the sea and mountains await you. Lots of hills and curvy roads as well. Dave and I really love driving here! Of course I had to buy an automatic because there was no way I could mange a stick on these hills. It was not easy finding an automatic--we only had 2 choices.
I will post another difference next time.... there are plenty to keep me writing!
Well all the kids are now in school! Dave and I are enjoying are time alone! We start Spanish classes tomorrow, which I am looking forward to but it is also intimidating. We are taking separate classes because we learn differently and we are too competitive together!
Ethan seems much happier since he has started school and is involved in basketball. His team is really good so we hope he gets some playing time, he will definitely get good experience. He will start futbol (soccer) in October. Still don't know how that swimsuit is going to work out because he won't try it on. I think he has swimming this week, so it should be interesting! They are mostly reviewing at school so he hasn't really had a lot of work yet. Keep praying for him because the prayers are being felt!
Lynsey is doing good and started basketball as well. She is the only girl on her team, at least right now. She does not seem to mind and it will definitely challenge her skills! Pray for her as well, she is missing her friends.
Josh is doing great and seems to keep coming out of his shell, so to speak. He is becoming quite the show boat and entertainer. His and all our kids biggest complaint is the school food. They do have different food but we love that they are trying new things.
Alec is Doing well. He had one rough day last week with a few tears in Spanish class but he has since recovered and says school is easy. We will see when those grades come out--it is never quite as they say!
The uniforms seem to be okay with all the kids now-I am the one keeping busy washing them.
I am learning that each day is unpredictable here, with no one happy at the same time! When one family member is happy or doing well another is not, and so and so on...I am sure many of you can relate. But no matter what kind of day occurs I am reminded that it is a day to rejoice, because it is a day the Lord has given us. And sometimes I can't rejoice until all those heads are fast asleep on their pillows!
This past weekend we did not make it to Granada as planned. I did not realize I had to get tickets online well in advance. So we took a short 20 minute trip to the town of Nerja. I just love this town, it is heaven on earth! The shops,sea views, food, beach, and people are all wonderful. We visited the caves of Nerja which are quite impressive. The caves were discovered by a group of boys in 1959, they are massive inside with huge stalactites and stalagmites. They are definitely worth seeing if you come to visit us. The boys had fun shopping in Nerja because they found Barcelona jerseys, and they were much cheaper than at home.
Dave is working late tonight at the church. We are amazed how God has placed us here and Dave is able to use his business skills to help the church. There are many wonderful people at the church and they have made us feel very welcome. This past Sunday I understood the main idea of the pastors message but not all the details. I guess that is a start and it can only get better! Even though the music is good I really do miss praise and worship in English. I don't know that this will ever change.
It is late as I finish writing this even though your evening is just beginning. Need to get to bed, the sun will be coming up in no time.
Until next time,
Hope you enjoy the photos and don't forget to scroll all the way down for more!
Many blessings to you all!
Karen, Dave and Kids!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Buenas dias amigos and familia,
The week has gone by fast--I meant to update this blog sooner.
Joshua and Alec started school on Friday and did very well. Joshua ended up with the teacher we were hoping and praying for. Her name is Maria and she is very sweet and fun--at least so far! Teachers are addressed by their first names here. A boy who speaks good English sits next to Joshua and helps with translations. Joshua said the boys on the playground told him he was a good futbol player--that made Joshua feel good. Joshua said that they are all really good at futbol (soccer)l. He loves having boys to kick the ball around with!
Alec went right into his class the first day with no tears. This morning he told us he knew how to get to his class so we did not need to walk him in. He says know one in his class can speak English. They are just learning English in 1st grade, but of course his teacher can speak English. Alec's teachers name is Noemi, which is pronounced no--amy! Today some boys came up to him on the playground and were talking to him in Spanish but he had no clue what they were saying. He told us he responded with "I speak English," and then he ran off! He already has a birthday party to go to tomorrow night. I can't rsvp because I don't think the mom will understand my Spanish on the phone. These are the little things we deal with everyday--trying to communicate.
Both boys swim in P.E this week and you should see the little swim suits they have to wear. They are very European! Ethan has to wear them as well---but he is refusing at the moment. Not sure how that will work out.
Alec told us the food at school is barf! I guess they had fish and soup today and he was told to go back to his seat to finish his yogurt. They make the kids try everything and eat 75% of their food. This will be a challenge but I think very good!
Lynsey and Ethan start school Wednesday. They are ready as they are getting very bored at home.
They are ready to start some sports as well.
The two younger boys and I visited two castles in Malga on Saturday. The Gibralfaro castle and the Alcazaba palace/fortress. The Gibralfaro is situated on the highest point in the city center. It is connected to the Alcazaba, which is lower. They are both Moorish castles---The Gibralfaro was completed in the 11th century by the Muslim King Yusuf. It was built as a fortress to protect the Alcazaba. The Alcazaba was built by king Badis of Granada. We also saw a Roman theatre next to the castle that was being restored.
The boys had a great time exploring these fortresses and I know any young boys that come to visit from the U.S will love them as well---lots of fun.
Dave continues to have many meetings at church and says there is lots of work ahead. Church Sunday was good. A friend translated for me so that was helpful. The younger boys go to Sunday class and the older two stay in the service with us. The church has Wednesday night youth group and sometimes Friday nights.
We finally bought a used automatic car, we should get it Friday. We only had two choices for automatics and those were hard to find.
Dave and I finally went for a jog on the beach today. We have not been working out but today we started!
Can you believe I have not had a taza de cafe yet! I will have to make up for it and I am sure I will!
I think that's it for now.
Please scroll down for more photos!
Buenas Noche,
The week has gone by fast--I meant to update this blog sooner.
Joshua and Alec started school on Friday and did very well. Joshua ended up with the teacher we were hoping and praying for. Her name is Maria and she is very sweet and fun--at least so far! Teachers are addressed by their first names here. A boy who speaks good English sits next to Joshua and helps with translations. Joshua said the boys on the playground told him he was a good futbol player--that made Joshua feel good. Joshua said that they are all really good at futbol (soccer)l. He loves having boys to kick the ball around with!
Alec went right into his class the first day with no tears. This morning he told us he knew how to get to his class so we did not need to walk him in. He says know one in his class can speak English. They are just learning English in 1st grade, but of course his teacher can speak English. Alec's teachers name is Noemi, which is pronounced no--amy! Today some boys came up to him on the playground and were talking to him in Spanish but he had no clue what they were saying. He told us he responded with "I speak English," and then he ran off! He already has a birthday party to go to tomorrow night. I can't rsvp because I don't think the mom will understand my Spanish on the phone. These are the little things we deal with everyday--trying to communicate.
Both boys swim in P.E this week and you should see the little swim suits they have to wear. They are very European! Ethan has to wear them as well---but he is refusing at the moment. Not sure how that will work out.
Alec told us the food at school is barf! I guess they had fish and soup today and he was told to go back to his seat to finish his yogurt. They make the kids try everything and eat 75% of their food. This will be a challenge but I think very good!
Lynsey and Ethan start school Wednesday. They are ready as they are getting very bored at home.
They are ready to start some sports as well.
The two younger boys and I visited two castles in Malga on Saturday. The Gibralfaro castle and the Alcazaba palace/fortress. The Gibralfaro is situated on the highest point in the city center. It is connected to the Alcazaba, which is lower. They are both Moorish castles---The Gibralfaro was completed in the 11th century by the Muslim King Yusuf. It was built as a fortress to protect the Alcazaba. The Alcazaba was built by king Badis of Granada. We also saw a Roman theatre next to the castle that was being restored.
The boys had a great time exploring these fortresses and I know any young boys that come to visit from the U.S will love them as well---lots of fun.
Dave continues to have many meetings at church and says there is lots of work ahead. Church Sunday was good. A friend translated for me so that was helpful. The younger boys go to Sunday class and the older two stay in the service with us. The church has Wednesday night youth group and sometimes Friday nights.
We finally bought a used automatic car, we should get it Friday. We only had two choices for automatics and those were hard to find.
Dave and I finally went for a jog on the beach today. We have not been working out but today we started!
Can you believe I have not had a taza de cafe yet! I will have to make up for it and I am sure I will!
I think that's it for now.
Please scroll down for more photos!
Buenas Noche,
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Hola amigos y familia,
It has been 2 weeks since we arrived here in Spain and it has finally cooled off! Praise the Lord!
We have been busy getting the house organized and more functional for a family of six. Ikea has become our new friend---a store that has lots of inexpensive items to help with organizing. Dave has had to put together many items such as bunk beds, dressers, shelves etc...he wasn't able to call Phil! (Our good friend back home who takes care of us!)
Joshua and Alec start school on the 10th and Ethan and Lynsey on the 15th. The kids were able to tour the school last Wednesday. They were excited with all they saw except for the uniforms! I must say that I love the uniforms! My kids actually look like they are ready to learn and I won't have any struggles as to what they are wearing in the morning. We did have a few good laughs as they were all trying on the uniforms. Joshua said "Are you serious!" when seeing his uniform, and Lynsey said she was in prison! You should have seen the pile of uniforms we had to purchase for four kids. We had to have at least 2 of many of the items. The name of their school is "Colegio Anoreta," and it goes from kindergarten through 12th grade.
This past weekend from Thursday through Sunday we went camping with 15 other people that we know from our church. We never dreamed we would be camping in Spain on labor day. The past several years we have gone camping in the states with our good friends--the Rosner's---so we were bummed we would not get to go this year. We have always celebrated Alec's birthday while camping so it was a blessing to be able to have some friends to help us celebrate his birthday again this year. We spent the weekend toward the southern tip of Spain--near "Tarifa," which is located at the Strait of Gibraltar. This is where the Atlantic and the Mediterranean sea meet. We also visited a town nearby called "Baelo.'' It had a beautiful beach with massive dunes that we all climbed. We felt like we were in Africa when the sand started blowing! We could actually see the outline and mountains of Africa from where we stood on the beach in Baelo. There were also Roman ruins near the beach that were dated from the 1st century. I will try to post photos of them. We also spent one day in a town called "Cadiz." It is located on the Atlantic coast and up around the corner from Tarifa, heading in the direction of Portugal. It is supposedly the oldest city in Europe---3,000 years old.
The kids had more fun on the beach than sightseeing. However, Josh and Alec liked climbing through tunnels and exploring the ruins. Having other kids to hang out with really helped. Of course our Ethan did not like the beach or the ruins and says he does not like Spain. He loves Indiana and his friends back home. He has never be one for change and this is certainly stretching his limits. Please pray for him--- and that he meets some nice boys at school who help make this year a good experience. Of course Dave and I could use prayers for patience and understanding.
I am constantly challenged here as well, even by just going to the market. One day I came home from running an errand in Malaga and Dave said I looked a little stressed, not relaxed. I said "I can't imagine why!"
I was happy to make it home in one piece---although I did get lost a few times!
Even with all the challenges-- God is good--- and has blessed us by surrounding us with many new friends who are welcoming and accepting of our American ways. I only wish I could learn Spanish at a quicker rate but I guess I will have to be like Dave....who says it's the journey, the climb, that really matters.
By the way, Dave has had several meetings at church and is excited about his role here. He has met and is working with several awesome men who are very solid in their faith.
We look forward to hearing from you and pray all is good back home. We miss you all and thank God for your friendship and your prayers.
Until next time,
Scroll down for more photos!
It has been 2 weeks since we arrived here in Spain and it has finally cooled off! Praise the Lord!
We have been busy getting the house organized and more functional for a family of six. Ikea has become our new friend---a store that has lots of inexpensive items to help with organizing. Dave has had to put together many items such as bunk beds, dressers, shelves etc...he wasn't able to call Phil! (Our good friend back home who takes care of us!)
Joshua and Alec start school on the 10th and Ethan and Lynsey on the 15th. The kids were able to tour the school last Wednesday. They were excited with all they saw except for the uniforms! I must say that I love the uniforms! My kids actually look like they are ready to learn and I won't have any struggles as to what they are wearing in the morning. We did have a few good laughs as they were all trying on the uniforms. Joshua said "Are you serious!" when seeing his uniform, and Lynsey said she was in prison! You should have seen the pile of uniforms we had to purchase for four kids. We had to have at least 2 of many of the items. The name of their school is "Colegio Anoreta," and it goes from kindergarten through 12th grade.
This past weekend from Thursday through Sunday we went camping with 15 other people that we know from our church. We never dreamed we would be camping in Spain on labor day. The past several years we have gone camping in the states with our good friends--the Rosner's---so we were bummed we would not get to go this year. We have always celebrated Alec's birthday while camping so it was a blessing to be able to have some friends to help us celebrate his birthday again this year. We spent the weekend toward the southern tip of Spain--near "Tarifa," which is located at the Strait of Gibraltar. This is where the Atlantic and the Mediterranean sea meet. We also visited a town nearby called "Baelo.'' It had a beautiful beach with massive dunes that we all climbed. We felt like we were in Africa when the sand started blowing! We could actually see the outline and mountains of Africa from where we stood on the beach in Baelo. There were also Roman ruins near the beach that were dated from the 1st century. I will try to post photos of them. We also spent one day in a town called "Cadiz." It is located on the Atlantic coast and up around the corner from Tarifa, heading in the direction of Portugal. It is supposedly the oldest city in Europe---3,000 years old.
The kids had more fun on the beach than sightseeing. However, Josh and Alec liked climbing through tunnels and exploring the ruins. Having other kids to hang out with really helped. Of course our Ethan did not like the beach or the ruins and says he does not like Spain. He loves Indiana and his friends back home. He has never be one for change and this is certainly stretching his limits. Please pray for him--- and that he meets some nice boys at school who help make this year a good experience. Of course Dave and I could use prayers for patience and understanding.
I am constantly challenged here as well, even by just going to the market. One day I came home from running an errand in Malaga and Dave said I looked a little stressed, not relaxed. I said "I can't imagine why!"
I was happy to make it home in one piece---although I did get lost a few times!
Even with all the challenges-- God is good--- and has blessed us by surrounding us with many new friends who are welcoming and accepting of our American ways. I only wish I could learn Spanish at a quicker rate but I guess I will have to be like Dave....who says it's the journey, the climb, that really matters.
By the way, Dave has had several meetings at church and is excited about his role here. He has met and is working with several awesome men who are very solid in their faith.
We look forward to hearing from you and pray all is good back home. We miss you all and thank God for your friendship and your prayers.
Until next time,
Scroll down for more photos!
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